Location: Philadelphia, Pa region

25+ yrs professional involvement in the Wall Street community.i've spent the last 18+ yrs studying and actively applying the cyclic analysis methods of JM Hurst, considered the father of cyclic analysis of the stock market.

Monday, September 18, 2006

first attempt at blogging so will proceed slowly.
this daily chart of the SP500 indicates the nominal 5 wk and 2.5 wk cycle lows. we are approx 4 1/2 days off the last 2.5 wk low. we also have both the 5 wk cycle 1/2 span moving average and the 2.5 wk cycle 1/2 span moving averages trending higher, indicating that the sum of the trends of all cycles larger than 5 wks in length is currently up. the 2.5 wk cycles since the july low are showing right translations, also bullish. i expect higher prices on SPX short term.


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